Sea Pines Circle Urgent Care in Hilton Head Island, SC
Sea Pines Circle Urgent Care in Hilton Head Island, SC

SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Response

Due to the rapid spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19), we are implementing the following changes/recommendations in our practice:

  1. If you have any COUGH, FEVER, SHORTNESS OF BREATH, BODYACHES, loss of taste or smell or URI symptoms, then we will gladly assess you at our office, but you will be required to wait in your car and not in our waiting roomThis is to provide you the highest quality of care without compromising the immune system of our other patients.
  2. We can test patients for active COVID-19 infection with a rapid antigen test using a nasal swab. It is very good detecting individuals who are contagious with the illness. The test is highly accurate if performed within the first five days of symptoms. The test is less reliable after five days of symptoms or before symptoms develop (asymptomatic). If you have respiratory symtoms such as cough, shortness of breath or fever and think you may be positive for COVID-19, you MUST wear a mask when entering the office to check in.   We do not schedule appointments or guarantee any specific wait times.
  3. Rapid ANTIGEN tests are available with same-day results. 
  4. PCR Test result turnaround times are variable, as the country experiences increases in cases/testing, and are currently 48 hours.
  5. We can perform a serum (blood) antibody test for Covid 19, but the test has important limitations. Antibodies typically appear in the bloodstream 2 -3 weeks AFTER a Covid 19 infection so they cannot establish an acute diagnosis. Our providers can discuss the helpfulness of Covid 19 antibody testing in an office visit.
  6. We will still be allowing any patient with NON-RESPIRATORY complaints to be in our waiting room.

Reminders and recommendations:

  1. We recommend that you continue to practice physical distancing and wearing a mask while in public.  Please click here to learn more about this topic.
  2. As you make holiday plans, keep in mind that COVID19 is not just a disease of the elderly, although patient's aged 65+ are at the highest risk.  It has been clearly established that the virus can spread while patients are asymptomatic.  It is also clear that it spreads much more easily while indoors for an extended period of time as the particles become aerosolized.  Keep these things in mind as you may plan to visit older or immunocompromised relatives.
  3.  There is no single symptom that can help differentiate between cold, COVID19, and influenza, so a medical evaluation with the appropriate test is best.


Contact us:



  • Mon - Fri: 8am - 6pm
  • Sat - Sun: 8am - 4pm

Closed on following Holidays:

  • Easter Sunday
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Christmas Day
  • New Years Day


Closed at 2:00 pm on the following Holidays:

  • Labor Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Martin Luther King Day
  • July 4th 

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